Our Story

A Six Generations Legacy


Ignacio Palau Sr. and his son José Palau Sr. built the first traditional kiln, for bricks and tiles production in Almacelles, Lleida.


José Palau Sr. built a second kiln closer to the “Lo Vilot” height, where excellent extracted.


José Palau Sr. and his elder son Fernando Palau Sr. purchased 2 acres of land and to build one of the first Hoffman brick kilns in Spain, representing a significant leap forward.


Father and son passed away, leaving a 3 years old son, José Palau Jr.. Their widows; María Arnó and María Teresa Pujol, take charge of the business for 10 years carrying on with the business with great struggle and sacrifice.


José Palau Jr., with only 14 years old, finishes his Commerce Studies at the Marist Brothers College in Lleida, and decides to run the family business to success.

1930 - 1957

José Palau Jr. carries out several upgrades and continuous improvements, despite of the civil war and WWII interruption, taking the bricks and tiles factory to it¡s maximum level, including the first dry clay crusher, a new Verdés extruder, two new vacuum extruders, roofed drying places and a mechanized dosage system for the Hoffman kiln.

1957 - 1959

José Palau Jr. acquired a land located in Alpicat, Lleida, built in Almacelles a new Hoffman kiln, of his own design provided by two parallel chambers. This supposed a significant increased of the productivity and flexibility.


José Palau Jr. built a new hand-made brick factory in Sariñena, Huesca. Surrounded by gardens alongside the Alcanadre River, the “Sweet Box”, as he used to call it, is a small factory equipped with a Hoffman kiln in two parallel chambers where hand-made bricks can be produced in different natural shapes.


Fernando Palau, José’s Jr. eldest son, having his Engineering studies completed in Madrid, builds a new factory in Guadalajara, near to Madrid.

Palau Ceramica Chiloeches was equipped with a modern parallel multi-chambered Hoffman kiln which was one of the most advanced technology during the 60s


A new factory was projected and located just beside the former one, equipped with a modern tunnel kiln and a fully automated production system.


New facilities and headquarters built.


Palau Tecnología Cerámica, S.A. (PALAUTEC S.A.) Palau Ceramic Technology Corp.


New factory built, equipped with the latest German technology, producing highest quality facing bricks, joining engineering properties and colourful design.


Palau Omega Bricks SL. treasures a six-generation know-how providing creative and natural solutions for façades and interiors.
